Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Web of One

Today I got concerned over privacy issue the conspiracy theorist in me was awake and paranoid. Then I came across this. Here you go... seriously we should be paranoid. Information is power, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Now imagine some one or something else controls what information you get. Essentialy your are now powerless because you don't get all the information. Think about it!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

O Digger! My Digger!... blah blah.. now the DEAD SHALL LIVE AGAIN!

For those people who are in their early & mid 30's DOS was most likely the introduction to computers. The one thing as kids we all did was play games. Some were good and some were.. well great :). We were kids anything with colour and moved to a press of a button was miraculous. CONTROL!!!!!

so long long time ago..

You slotted a 5" Floppy disc into a disk drive slot and closed the lever shut turned the power on and prayed you did not get -- unable to read disk message! and when it does boot then we hoped the DOS disk  worked correctly so it could boot the computer.

Then we removed the DOS disk and slotted the game disk in, at the " A:> "(for those lucky few who had 2 disk drives we changed to "B:>" by typing "b:" ) typed "dir" and listed the content hoping the annoying little brother did not erase the disk. Searched for or filename.exe file we typed the filename and then the adventure starts.

My sayang the muppet spent hours and hours playing her favorite game. DIGGER (mine too).


We spent hours playing this game. It was exciting trying to get away from the monster. Then we had VGA and bye bye DIGGER!

The playstation's and xbox's of the world (even the mobile phone) has rendered these games ancient and obsolete.

Now for muppets sake! there is a new life for these games. dosbox!! bringing the the dead to life.

present day.....

(Only works for Linux/Debian/Ubuntu users.. sorry windows folks :P)

fire up the CLI *(The Terminal) - type

sudo apt-get install dosbox

mkdir ~/dos


when you see the familiar "Z:>" drive type

config -writeconfig /home/yourname/dos

thats it your almost done. type


now type into the CLI

nano ~/dos/dosbox.conf

or any other editor for those who prefer GUI then goto the dos folder in your home folder and gedit the file. Now we are going to make the ~/dos folder as your "C:>" for that go down the dosbox.conf file and look for [autoexec] and just add this below that;

mount c ~/dos


save and exit. your done. Just goto DIGGER and download the file dump it into the ~/dos folder start dosbox from the CLI and you'll see the the folder you copied there. CD and... main main ;).. dah habis cerita.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Long Distance Do Work

I know this long distance relationship can work.

Recently, you reminded me of a special ingredient - inner calm (faith & trust)- needed to see the connection that we have on so many levels that it even surprises us at times. 

In you, I have found someone so right for me, I know I need search no more. For over the time that we've known each other, we have a connection that is real and enduring, and we work to make the effort to communicate.

True, relationships are work.

Yet, as I step back and take perspective on our long distance relationship, I know it has the ingredient for it to work - love.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Me & Saree

Option 1: Vivid Maroon Faux Georgette Saree with Blouse 1

Option 2: Exquisite Ethnic Saree


I stumbled across a website today @ 3:45pm :

From single-ton to couple-dom. 

Having been living alone for most of 3 years, I never really thought I woul meet someone I would consider my equal. Yet, what did I mean by equal? To be honest, I did not have a checklist in mind. I simply told myself that I will know the person when I met him.

Then, I met you - Wild Oscar.

The story is a simple one - two people casually getting to know each other over idle chatter that soon examines more personal topics over time. Through the course of 3 years, we updated each other on our lives - the past 1 year, we found ourselves conversing with one another using every opportunity available to us.

Communication was the key.

Soon, it occurred to me that it was a odd day when I was not talking to you - regardless of how mundane the conversation. It was a window into each other's lives - a window I was comfortable opening to you.

Comfort was the medium.

Acknowledging the comfort I felt as I shared of myself with you, and the eagerness I sensed to be in touch with you, I knew what I was looking for in a partner. An equal was a person who saw me as I am and embrace me, as I would do for him. That, as we both know, is only the beginning of any relationship - a good beginning, though.

Relationships are work.

The work is at once personal and relational. With time, and across different situations, we come to learn what we expect of and from the other partner, how to best communicate our expectations, and learning to accept what is possible of the other partner. Sometimes, we stutter and I am still learning to dance this tango.

However, the only partner for this dance in life I seek is YOU.

From Singleton to Coupledom