Saturday, April 9, 2011


I stumbled across a website today @ 3:45pm :

From single-ton to couple-dom. 

Having been living alone for most of 3 years, I never really thought I woul meet someone I would consider my equal. Yet, what did I mean by equal? To be honest, I did not have a checklist in mind. I simply told myself that I will know the person when I met him.

Then, I met you - Wild Oscar.

The story is a simple one - two people casually getting to know each other over idle chatter that soon examines more personal topics over time. Through the course of 3 years, we updated each other on our lives - the past 1 year, we found ourselves conversing with one another using every opportunity available to us.

Communication was the key.

Soon, it occurred to me that it was a odd day when I was not talking to you - regardless of how mundane the conversation. It was a window into each other's lives - a window I was comfortable opening to you.

Comfort was the medium.

Acknowledging the comfort I felt as I shared of myself with you, and the eagerness I sensed to be in touch with you, I knew what I was looking for in a partner. An equal was a person who saw me as I am and embrace me, as I would do for him. That, as we both know, is only the beginning of any relationship - a good beginning, though.

Relationships are work.

The work is at once personal and relational. With time, and across different situations, we come to learn what we expect of and from the other partner, how to best communicate our expectations, and learning to accept what is possible of the other partner. Sometimes, we stutter and I am still learning to dance this tango.

However, the only partner for this dance in life I seek is YOU.

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